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Both pleasures and stresses of everyday life, with the inevitable passage of time, make our skin and complexion look older and older.

The symptoms of ageing and damage caused by the sunlight are mostly visible on our faces. Obviously, there are many methods, from ordinary creams to serious medical surgeries, which allow to improve skin condition. However, dermatologists have been looking for a method that would assure a significant improvement at minimal risk, with no need to interrupt your work or regular lifestyle for a long time. Furthermore, many conventional treatment methods allow to eliminate only one problem at a time and involve long convalescence, perceptible pain and potential side effects.




MeDioStar Next makes it easy: Non-invasive methods to effectively improve skin texture! The High Power Diode Laser is able to achieve these results, thanks to a light procedure that allows thermal dermal damage to be controlled, which leads to subsequent collagen remodelling while preserving the epidermis.

MedioStar Next not only improves skin texture (skin tightening, reduction in pore size), but also removes superficial wrinkles and pigmented spots in the epidermis in a safe and painless way. No downtime period, no skin reaction, so this laser treatment won’t interrupt your daily routine! You will be able to see the effects within the next few weeks after your first session once the epidermis starts the rebuilding process. The technique is particularly effective in the skin of the face and neck. After the treatment is advised to use a very high protection cream, such as 50 SPF or above.




Photorejuvenation almost always consists of a series of 3-5 treatments, usually one every two weeks. You can see some improvement with each treatment, but it’s common for your response to be slightly different to each treatment. The more sun damage or redness you have, the more likely you are to need a full five treatments.  Some cases of severe redness or brown spots require more than 5 treatments.




It depends. If you continue to expose your skin to the sun without sunscreen, new skin damage can occur. But if you take good care of your skin by using quality skin care products, your skin will continue to look good with semi-annual treatments.




The side effects are minimal, consisting of temporary swelling, redness, an accentuation of the brown spots, crusting, and an occasional bruise or small superficial blister (like a sunburn blister). After the treatment is advised to use a very high protection cream, such as 50 SPF or above.




  • pregnancy

  • breastfeeding

  • tan (1 month before the treatment)

  • applying a cream with retinol (stop using 1 month before the treatment)

  • photosensitizing medicines (retinoids)

  • herbs (St John’s wort, marigold; stop drinking 2-3 weeks before the treatment)

  • drinking alcohol (24 hours before the treatment)

  • diabetes

  • vitiligo, psoriasis

  • peeling (stop using 1 week before the treatment)




  • treatments have to be repeated every 3-4 weeks (longer intervals between the treatments may reduce their results);

  • protect your skin against the sun for minimum a month after the treatment;

  • don't use: sun-sensitising medicines, Saint-Jon’s-wort and marigold, exfoliating cosmetics and medicines (1 month after the treatment);

  • after the treatment, for several days:

    • don't use soap, spirit or alcohol-based tonics;

    • don't rub the treated places with a sponge or a towel;

    • don't irritate the treated skin;

    • you should apply Alantan, Bephanten or Panthenol cream twice or three times a day (to intensely oil your skin).

    • Every skin reacts differently to the treatment performed. Erythema or oedema in the irradiated area may occur. Both erythema and oedema disappear a few hours later. After removing dilated blood vessels or discoloration spots, tiny crusts may come up and last for about 7 days after the treatment.

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